Hi! My name is Will.

I'm a student and aspiring web developer.

Scroll down to learn more about me.

So, what am I doing right now?

  • B.S. in Computer Science at Missouri S&T

    Currently with a 3.85 GPA and graduating with a Bachelors in Computer Science in May 2025, I have been active in many campus extracurriculars, like intramural Basketball and Bowling, and several student organizations like the Mars Rover Design Team and Christian Campus Fellowship.

  • BaseStation Lead on the Mars Rover Design Team

    Joining the team when I came to S&T in the 2021-2022 school year, I have worked on the Autonomous sub-team focusing on computer vision and ArUco detection. In the 2022-2023 school year, I joined the BaseStation subteam, and helped develop and debug tools for the Rover's control station. This year, I lead the BaseStation subteam.

  • Project Manager at St. Louis Family Church

    I am blessed to have the opportunity to work remotely on projects at my home church in Chesterfield, Missouri in my free time. I have been attending St. Louis Family Church for many years and have been on staff since July 2021.

  • Learning Full-Stack Web Development

    After starting at Missouri S&T, I developed an interest in web development, so in my free time I am learning the in's and out's of what it takes to build a good website. I'm looking forward to expand my skillset and make a career out of my unique style.

Want to get in touch?

Click the button below to send an email and I'll reach out soon! Can't wait to chat.

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